Dartmouth College
Instructor of Record
GOVT 30.04/PBPL 23: Political Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories (Winter 2024)
Faculty Classroom Enhancement Grants, Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and the Social Sciences. Supported the invited speaker session, "Using AI to combat misinformation," for GOVT 30.04/PBPL 23: Political Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories (2024)
University of Michigan
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award (Nominated), Department of Political Science & Rackham Graduate School, A university-wide award for Graduate Student Instructor who demonstrates extraordinary dedication and excellence as a teacher (2023)
Graduate Student Instructor
​POLSCI 373: Data Science for International Studies, with Christopher Fariss (Winter 2022)
POLSCI 315: Invited Lecture on Misinformation for Media and Public Opinion (Fall 2021)
POLSCI 111: Introduction to American Politics, with Ken Kollman, Arthur Lupia, Rob Mickey (Fall 2021, Winter 2017, Fall 2016)
POLSCI 315: Media and Public Opinion, with Ted Brader (Winter 2018)
POLSCI 140: Introduction to Comparative Politics, with Mary Gallagher (Fall 2017)
Research Mentor for undergraduate students at the Ecological Neuroscience Lab (2018-2023)
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (2021) (description), A training program aimed at refining teaching skills, developing teaching philosophy, and conducting research on effective teaching and learning
Seoul National University
Teaching Assistant
Quantitative Analysis of Political Science (graduate), Advanced Research Methods (undergraduate), with Won-ho Park (Fall 2014)
Methods in Political Science (graduate), Introduction to Political Science (undergraduate), with Won-ho Park (Spring 2014)